Censored bleep sound
Censored bleep sound


If he's talking clean, you can usually get the gist of what he's saying on your second viewing, or in some of the subtitles. This helps disguise when he's cursing, or the many times he explains sex acts in detail to the other kids.

censored bleep sound

  • Everything Kenny says is 'censored' by his muffling parka.
  • The DVD version cleans it up so the music is also audible, and in the commentary, Parker and Stone actually succeed in tempting the bleep censor by discussing classified material at one point.
  • Infamously, "201" was censored with a long, disruptive bleep that actually cuts off the background music.
  • Also, when the episodes that originally aired in SD were remastered into HD and released onto Blu-Ray and online, most of the bleeps were removed, with the notable exception of most of the oldest episodes where the uncensored dialogue hadn't been properly archived.
  • It is worth noting that starting with Season 11, DVD and online releases are mostly uncensored.
  • Later one character (Jimbo) says, "Well, that's not fair! I should be able to say 'fag'!" He's not bleeped. Garrison is indulging his new ability as a recently de-closeted gay man to say "fag." If anyone who isn't gay attempts to use the word, they are bleeped, and everyone is aware of the bleepage.
  • Notable instance of Painting the Medium in the episode where they see how many times they can get away with saying "shit." In the B-story, Mr.
  • One example had a rooster appear out of nowhere in a living room to do it. When Zapp Brannigan makes a lewd comment, Leela replies "Go (bleep from the machine) yourself"


    In "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" Leela is put into a robot chair, where she will be able to testify using a series of beeps to convey her testimony.

    censored bleep sound

  • Also parodied in an episode of Futurama.
  • It is implied that by the end of the sketch he is being bleeped for real. Turns out his co-host June has a device that is supplying the bleeps and is censoring random words to cheese him off. Henry keeps getting bleeped at least once in every sentence he says, even though he insists that he isn't cursing, and ends up going on a bleep heavy rant.
  • There's also the episode where SpongeBob censors out the ingredients of the Krabby Patty secret formula in his song.
  • Some YouTube parody videos censor the perfectly child-safe dialogue, giving the appearance of raunchier words being spoken.
  • Further subverted when it turns out that (the actual noise, not something bleeped by a dolphin noise) is just about the worst expletive ever.
  • At the end, what seems to be a use of one of them is just the horn from "Old Mister Jenkins in his jalopy". SpongeBob learns there are thirteen words a sailor should never use, all of which are covered up by different sound effects (including various horns and sea animal noises).
  • Both used and subverted by SpongeBob SquarePants in the episode "Sailor Mouth".
  • The Flintstones also did this once, with Fred then asking the speaker to repeat himself and explaining that he couldn't hear him over the bleep.

    She still managed to get it onto national TV and cause the mental breakdown of the disgruntled TV host, so it's all good. It started with the horn of a studio cart and ended with a testcard tone (some were also accompanied by Charlotte's horrified scream, which itself serves as the bleep in one instance). The sound effects became increasingly inventive/desperate.

  • Used through an entire episode of Rugrats, "Word of the Day", where Angelica overhears and starts using a (bad) word used backstage by a disgruntled kids' show host.
  • Someone says a bad word that needs to be censored? Just press the censor button to blast a beep sound! Very good quality and clean sound button makes it very professional. Just hold down on the big bleep button and it will make the bleep sound. Use it to annoy your friends or clean up your language around your kids! If you have ever watched a tv show and heard the beep sound, you know what this app is all about.

    censored bleep sound

    Surprise your friend with this unique Censor beep sound!Ĭensor Bleep is a simple app with a button that you can press to play the infamous television censor beep sound.

    Censored bleep sound